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Components of a Research Paper

Here are the common sections found in a typical research paper in Conferences and Journal. It is not exaustive and can be different based on Subject, type of paper, etc. Title : concise, descriptive, and indicative of the paper's content. Abstract :  A brief summary of the entire research paper, usually around 150-250 words. provides a quick overview of the research question, methods, results, and conclusions. Keywords : A list of relevant terms or phrases that highlight the main topics covered in the paper.  helps in indexing and searching for the paper. Introduction : Presents the background and context of the research. States the research question or hypothesis. Describes the significance of the study. Provides an overview of the paper's structure. Literature Review : Surveys and reviews existing literature related to the research topic. Demonstrates the gap in knowledge that the current study aims to fill. Establishes the theoretical framework for the research. Methodology

Values from Mahabharata

Values from Mahabharata Mahabharata, one of the two great epics of India, will remain apt to human even today. Although the Mahabharata mostly focuses on war, there are many life lessons and philosophies to be learned from it. Every character we meet in our life reflects some character of Mahabharata. Some as Krishna, some as Sakuni, some as Karna, everyone around us remembers some Mahabharata character. To that extent, Mahabharata plays an important role in our lives. In this part, we can see who are the characters who gave compelling life philosophies in Mahabharata. Krishna's advice to Arjuna, who hesitated to fight against his brothers before the start of the war, is celebrated and well reversed text by the people of the world as the Bhagavad Gita. What Krishna is saying is that sometimes one has to stand up to one's family to save dharma. Any war must first have a plan, going into war without a plan will only lead to failure. Krishna’s role in Mahabharata teaches us th